The Ladd's

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My blue balloons

I went to a baby shower and aunt margaret gave me these balloons...they were really fun. I am also wearing my red coat that aunt sandi bought for me....isint it cool!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Helping mommy in the kitchen

I love to hlep mommy in the kitchen with a big chair. We were making some angelfood cake for daddy. It got reallllllllly big in the oven. It was so much fun! I got to put icing on the cake too, with sprinkes

Santa was here!!!!

What a great Christmas. mommy and daddy had everyone come here to celebrate with me!!! Grandma Ladd, Uncle Scott, Aunt Kelly, and Uncle Seth came up the day before Christmas Eve....we had a lot of fun getting ready for Christmas. We went to church Christmas Eve and I was not very good...I pulled Mommy's purse apart and then she and grandma went back by themselves later. :)
Santa came was AWESOME. He brought presents for everyone and later that day Grandma Heimbach, Aunt Jamie, Aunt Amy and my favorite cousin Madison came up for more presents and for dinner. Mommy made lots of food, and I got to help.
Grandma, Amy, Madison and Jamie spent the night at a hotel and came back the next day. It was soooooo much fun!!!!!!!

My Christmas Dress

More of my pretty tree.....

Our Christmas Tree

We were never sure where the decorations were going to be because Rosalie kept moving the decorations all over the place, but we loved our tree..

Having fun with my favorite cousin

Mady came to play with me. We had a lot of fun playing princess....we also helped daddy put my organizer together for my playroom.

Sleeping with Lucy

IM taking a nap with my grandma's dog Lucy.....

Uncle Scott's Birthday

Ice Cream Cake for Uncle Scott's birthday....yum yum yum.....

Thanksgiving at Grandma Ladd's

We went to Grandma's for Thanksgiving this year. It was fun. We got to see Aunt Kelly, Uncle Seth and Uncle Scott. Miss Norma came over one day and brought me the coolest princess purse. I love to take it to church with me.